Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cherry Hill #3, again.

This blog is mostly vacation. The 1st 3 are photo's that I can't do over again. That's why I like taking pictures. The 1st one is in front of the Ricks collage sign. It no longer exist. IT's now BYU-I & there is a building being built there. The next two are Jeff running, jumping & rolling. This is at the sand dunes in Idaho.

Then there was a time we were waiting for someone in front of the Hogi Yogi. It reminded me of Jackie cause she worked at one.

This is when we had Easter in 2001 at Oma's & Opa's.

The McDonald's at Milton.

Waiting for Oma & Opa from their cruise to Europe. We met them & wanted to hear how much fun they had.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cherry Hill #2, The vacation continues!

This is the continuing saga of our great vacation. This happens to be one of my favorite vacations. The Sirrines, Walsh's & the VanderHoevens went from Cherry Hill Utah to Yellowstone Wyoming. In the 1st 2 photo's you see Buffalo's & burnt trees. Uncle Jeff helped fight that fire.
This photo is at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. It was beautiful!

This is some serious elevation!
This was fun to watch probably the most famous Geyser in the world.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cherry Hill, 2001, Part 1.

I've been wanting to do this one for a long, long time. The first 2 photo's aren't Cherry-Hill but!!!There's a good story behind it. I'll try to remember the way it went down. Some how Jeff got a hold of the hose & threatened to soak Oma. She said he wouldn't do it. She dared him. BIG mistake! You don't dare Jeff. Even Oma. She got soaked. I don't remember how Jeff got soaked. I was getting my camera. THIS was a KODAK MOMENT! At this time Oma's van was new & didn't want to get in wet so, they put on garbage bags. What a crazy family!
This is the Cherry Hill. One time a friend of Judy's asked what was so special about Cherry Hill. They stayed their by recommendation & This particular person didn't see what was so great about it. I answered "Tradition!" Then he understood. The family started out when it was just a Cherry farm & a pool. Pam's first memory there was this is the place were she learned how to swim. The family has had lots of good memories before the extended family & after. The next 2 photo's are bottlenecks at cardiac canyon.

This is Jeff & Sarah coming out of the slide.

Jack & Daniel.

Oma of course.
Before the swimming suit split.

One thing here was so funny. We had a BIG ball. Jeff jumped on it & it popped! The noise was very loud. Just minutes before that happened I moved the cam corder so it's not on tape. I had the whole half we were on in view. Bad timing.

Michele & Laura? Please tell me who the other child is.

I love family traditions. They are great memories for a life time. People who don't have a family miss out a lot!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Disneyland again, 2002

During 2002 a lot of us made a lot of trips. We did Disneyland many times & we always loved it. Thisw trip was for Chris. It was his going away trip before his mission. There was Matthew, Adrian, Steven, the neighbor, & Brandon. This 1st photo is waiting in line. We were one of the 1st ones.
They bet Matthew that he wasn't man enough to take a picture with a stranger. Guess who won the bet?

This should've been the 2nd photo. We just got in the park. Hardly anyone there.

This is at the John Wayne airport. This is with my hero. The closest I've ever been to John Wayne.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mt. Ranier, 2002

Here's a mini-trip that our family took with Oma, Danial & Laura. We had a fun time & loved the hike. As you could see it was a beautiful day. It's always fun to go there.

This shows where we were & how far up we were. It says were 6,000 ft exactly.
I always loved taking Oma with us any where we go. She was always fun to have around.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Many Events

Back in 2002, they opened up the football stadium. It's really incredible. They had an open house & we got tickets thru Val's family I think. We had a fun time. Behind us on tyhe 1st photo is Safeco field behind us. Now we don't have the memories at this stadium as the baseball one BUT! When the Kingdome was there we had A LOT of great memories of the M"S.
The Seagals.
The Swimming pool fun. This is 2002. Another great memory. Opening day is soon!
Now this is one time that I'm relying on second hand news. This is the slop house in Penn. They beat the blue haire bus just in the nick of time. They had to nearly run to beat them.
This is when I need help from the people that were there. If you have photo's & memories please submit them

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Grandma & last good air show.

The 1st 3 photo's are the last time that most of us saw Grandma alive. It was the usual Sat. get together at the compound. It was beautiful weather.
Oma tried the guitar I'm not sure how well she did.
This is the last photo that I have of Grandma. I miss the Friday afternoons when I would visit her. Here we are at the last really good air show. They had all the cool stuff out. This is right before 9/11.
Who would've thought that we could have a picture with this airplane in the background?