Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bowling for bucks

There was a time when a lot of us would go to Fort Lewis & bowl for bucks.  That's when you would pay an entrance fee & hopefully you win some money.  They had certain combinations that had a pay out.  Some were modest, some were high.  Jeff had the highest with a winning of $150.  Of the people that came were Judy, Jack, Jeff, Val, Karen, Bob, Ady, Oma, Pam, Bryon & myself.  It started out being $10 to enter.  Then it went to $15.  It started at 1900.  We had to be there before 1830 to sign in.  Then after it was over, usually at 2300, we would hurry to Federal Way to the Dairy Queen in Twin Lakes & eat some food & Ice cream.  Some bought bowling balls.  Even had holes drilled.  By the time Pam & Judy got theirs we quit going.  Val was pregnant with Josh & they stilled smoked in the bowling ally & it wasn't good for her.  By the time we wanted to start again they stopped it.  It was some fun times!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Elma train ride 2011

This past Summer we were able to make time for a train ride.  We went to Elma & took the train.

There was Jeff & Val along with their boys, Pam & myself.  We had a very fun time.  Pam made the mistake of wearing white on an open car.  A lot of her "white" wasn't so white anymore.  The trip took about 1 & a half hours.  Half way we were able to get out & just hang out.  Our schedule this past Summer along with the VanderHoeven were filled up & I was happy that we had the opportunity of  riding the rails.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cruise 2000

There is a reason why I'm doing the 1st 2 Cruise's.  We're going on a 4th cruise, Pam & I & I want to have all 4 blogged.  This time we went on the Western Caribbean.  We sailed on Princess this time.  We left out of Ft. Lauderdale.  Coming on the cruise were Oma, Opa, Pam, myself, Jeff, Val.  It was  in November of 2000.  We had fun in Jamaica.  We floated down a river.  The local were jumping out of the trees to splash us.  Then we jumped out into the river on a rope.  Poor Pam ruined her nails & it really hurt also.  We had fun in Tulum.  We didn't make it back to dinner.  It was OK, we had a blast.  Riding that bus was a scary thing.  We didn't know that we would make a few trips in that area in the near future.  They had great entertainment, food.  I am looking forward to the next cruise.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

As usual we had a great time with our Thanksgiving day.  We had alot of people.  We had some people who hadn't been to Thanksgiving for a long time.  It was Linda & Mario's 1st since the days of using the church building on Om's last Thanksgiving.  Jamie Vander Hoeven was here & it has been 2-3 years for his last time.  Matthew's 1st in 3-4 years also.
Last night Judy & Linda came & helped Pam, myself, & Matthew in getting the house ready for the big day.  They were a lot of help & much appreciated.
Of course football was a part of the day.  There are 3 for Thanksgiving.  Only 1 matters of course, the Cowboys.  (who won!)
There3 was enough food that if we wanted to start all over, it was all ready there!  It was a most excellent meal, 3 huge turkeys sacrificed their lives for us.  We eve n shared with the dog.  The most lucky dog in the world.  We all talked about what we were thankfull for.  Brians friend, Jasons friend, & Mario's familyjoined us on that.  Afterwards it took 2 shifts to clean up.  It was successfull.  It helps to have a dishwaser!  Thank-you all for coming.  Pam l;oves doing this so, it makes it worth the effort that she puts in & it makes her very happy when you all come.

Friday, November 18, 2011

1998 Cruise Part 2

 We had fun on board also.  At dinner was a great time to try new & different foods.  Above is Ady tryin Escargo!  As you could see, hedidn't enjoy it to much.

The middle photo we are approaching St. Marteen.  We had a very fun day there.  Below are the waiters we had.  Tony & Ernie are their names.  Tony was the main one.  He was from India.  Ernie was training & from France.  Of the 3 cruise's that I've been on so far, they were the best.  Tony was making up time spent in India.

Cruising 1998

In 1998, November, we went on our 1st cruise.  We did the Eastern Caribbean.  We really had a fun time.  we left out of Miami.  We got there the day before, a must when cruising.  We stayed in a part of town that you have to be very carfull.  With us were Oma, Opa, Pam, myself, Jeff, Val, & Ady.  Ady & I went to Burger King cause we were hungry.  With the type of people hanging around we thought that we would have to RUN to our hotel!  We made it.  The AM that we woke up we tested our snorkel gear in the swimming pool.  It worked.  The 1st photo is the adult game were you had to find things.  I need to find a bra.  Lets say I found one.  The next 2 were in Nassau.  We were at a Mcdonalds & for the 1st time Pam wanted me to order.  I missed all the fun.  There was a local family sitting there.  The mom who was big hauled off an hit the hubby!  Then she took the kids and ran into the bathroom.  She didn't like the fact he was eating some of the kids french fries.  As he was sitting there he replied "I'm going to get that woman!"  Then he got up and proceeded to bang on the bathroom door for them to come out.  Then she came out with the kids & belined to the door & out of Mcdonalds.  I missed the fun cause I was ordering!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Camping in the Great Northwest

We as a family love to go out & be part of the beauty of this state.  We use to go out a lot. 
 Above we like to test our luck.  It was at the end of Summer so, we didn't have to worry about the water flooding.  Below We like to hop around.  All these trips were between 2000-2003.  That was a hghlight of our camping.  Our kids loved going on these trips.
 Here are some of the beauty.  Below is in the cascades .  We were right in the middle of some of the most beautiful part of Washington.  We arrived late .  We ended up pitching our tents in the dark using flashlights.  But!  When we woke up the next day we were surprised to see the beauty that u see below.
There will be more trips. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Linda & Mario moved back to our neck of the woods this weekend. They are now living in Lake land Hills. I know that area really well. I use to drive FedEx & that was part of my route. In fact I delivered to their house. On Saturday Ady , Kirsten, Jeff, Val along with Pam & I helped them with unloading their Budget truck. Then on Sunday after church & dinner we went over to help them some more. Moving is tuff but, I know they like coming home.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Reno 2011 PT. II

One of the places that we went to while on our vacation to Reno was Lake Tahoe. The Sirrine's like going there. It was a favorite for the Vander Hoevens while living in Sacramento.

The place we like going to is Zephyrs Cove. The family would always go there so, we made a tradition also. The water of course was COLD!

The weather was really good, the scenery was great. we found what was left of the show Bonanza's mock home, but I couldn't find anyway to take a photo. I heard someone said that you can. I didn't have time to find out. It was another fun vacation.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Reno 2011 PT. 1

This past weekend Pam, Mike, Michelle, Bob & Karen went to Reno. We drove in a big SUV. We left from Opa's house on Thursday Afternoon. That was the central point. We got as far as Yreka California before we decided we should stop. After a big breakfast we took off. It was better seeing the sights than driving in the dark. One of the 1st things we did was go to Virginia City. We went by train, Steam Engine. We were there for the outhouse race. There was a lot of "Potty Humor." Karen & I checked out the Crypt at the Washoe Club. The Ghost were afraid to talk to us.

While the girls were at Hairspray, Bob & I drove around and found the temple. It's a small one in a beautiful neighborhood.
Then there was our Angel Moroni that we saw. We were driving along Virginia Ave & the van you see below passed by! "What the heck??!!!" we asked each other?

I can't help taking a photo of "The Sign!" The food was good as usual.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Steam train ride

Today Pam, myself along with Jeff, Val, and their boys went to Elbe Wa. to "take a ride on the railroad." When we got their we waited for the engine. To our surprise a vintage diesel came instead. I know that I was disappointed. Then the steam train came. I was excited. We boarded and went to the open car at the front of the train. It was a move that I don't think we'll do again if we have a future trip. Pam was wearing white & she turned black!! It's funny now. The kids loved it. But, since we were following the engine we got all the sut, leaves & bugs along the way. I know 2 people who will be travelling in the enclosed cars next time! We the mexican food restaurant inn went to eat at the Eatenville location. It was the same place Jack & I took Aunt Mary Ann & Uncle Erwin to years ago. I will be riding a steam railroad again next Friday on the Virginia & Truckee railroad with Michelle, Bob, Karen.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Europe 94

Back in 1994, Oma & Judy came over for a visit. We had a really good time. We went to Holland & Bavaria/Austria. This 1st story, or 1st half is of Holland. They flew into Amsterdam, Pam, myself with Jacob & Michelle were there to pick them up. We stayed for a couple of days. We went to see Volendam and the historic village with the old windmills. I don't know how to spell it & that go's for the sell check also. Judy was really excited to taste some of the old Dutch favorites when it came to the food. The food there is really good. At dinner in the hotel they had some fun desserts.

Oma was right at home when it came to being in Holland. That makes sense since she is all Dutch!

Our trip to Germany & Austria will come later. Our family, are blessed to have such fun on trips. It's even better when you have your own tour guide!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Last week the Walsh's, Linda & Mario has finally opened their Ice cream store. It's a long time waiting. The name is Sub-Zero. The "Cool" catch is they "make" your ice cream right in front of you! Special order mind you. There are a lot of different flavors & ways to make ice cream.
They are in a great location. They are next to Best Buy. It is a high traffic area. They should get lots of people seeing this fun place. Jack is really good at PR so that is a plus. It's difficult to run a restaurant. Your are married to the business. We all will help if needed. A lot of family works there with friends. It seems like people like it. They are having a lot of people come in. They have been at the Federal Way's Farmers Market. They have been in the paper & I hear on King 5 news. Good Luck with the business.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


This trip to Holland was fun. But the trip for me in France was really special. Pam & I spent a lot of time in Europe but! not in France. Some of the other members of the party been to France But like us enjoyed the time in France with their spouse. On the way to Paris we stopped to see Normandy. We stayed in Caan. Now on Sunday they had a Farmers Market. They are big in Europe. They are usually on Saturday but this one was on Sunday which was good for us cause we didn't get there till Saturday. We would've missed it. Above is Pam, Karen checking out the vendors.

Our Hotel was near the Marina. It was a beautiful water way.

Above is the castle, fortress for William the Conquer. He ruled England but from the Normandy side. Below is his grave.

Walking the small streets of France, in a small town is pretty fun. You can't help be amazed were you are at!

Below is our Hotel.

It's a little intimidating in France. None of us could speak French. In Europe it helps if you at least try to speak their language. Pam did a pretty good job. Driving the Freeways there takes a toll. We took them a little but , it was more fun taking the back roads. You see more of the way the locals live. The way they had the directions on the signs just confused us a whole lot. After being lost a couple of times we realized how to read the signs. It's nuts trying to figure out their signs.