Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Another camping trip.

It seems like this period of time we did a lot of camping.This one I remember a lot cause of the rain. It's the second time at this camping spot. It's just of I-90, near the Iron Horse Tunnel. We got there, set the camp up & started dinner. It was fine for a little while. Then I thought I should put up a tarp over my tent. Good call. It rained most of the night. You could see thru the pictures how wet it got. Fortunately for my tent not only I had a tarp, I was under a tree. Now when you see 3 of the boys in my van, their tent was soaked & they slept in my van. I got into trouble for that. Then we hiked the Iron Horse Trail (tunnel). This was 2001.

1 comment:

  1. Ew. I remember that trip well. That was when I got all my food supplies from Opa's food storage and made my famous "Corned Beef Helper". YUCK!

    Also I remember Ady didn't want to sleep in my tent because when we went to bed at night you could tell a mouse had been in there chewing on some toilet paper.

    I believe this is Olallie State Park.
